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Wylie Medea Ruse .

Wylie Medea Ruse .

Hello, gentlemen, I'm Wylie and I'm new around here and looking to make friends. I'm pleased you're reading this. Did my picture get a little rise out of you...? If so, there's chemistry, so let's see if knowing something about me increases the angle. I'm 34, 5'5," with waist-length hair and cat-green eyes--the latter owing a bit to artfully applied liner. You can see with me lying down, however, that nothing else has been artificially enhanced. I'm new to this line but not to phone sex. Over 7 years, I phonemoaned my way to a masters in counseling, book-learning by day and field-testing by night. Clinically and emotionally, I've got you covered.

Enjoy Uncensored No Taboo Phone Sex where The ONLY Limit is your Imagination!