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Sexy Stories at

Make Money Writing Sexy Stories for our Girls!

We are always trying to come up with unique ways to have fun and stand out from the rest.  We hope you like this one... 

As a customer of you can visit any of the performer's public profiles and click the button, Send me a Sexy Story.  Please see the example below:

Erotic Sex Stories at

When you click on this you will be directed to a page where you can write a story specifically for that PSO.  She will receive a notification that you have written a story for her.  Now she can set a price for the story and call our special story recording phone number and record herself reading the story.  Once we review and activate it the story will appear on her public profile page and on our main story board located here.

Pretty cool right?  Well it gets better!  Every time a customer calls our story phone number and listens to the story the PSO that recorded the story gets paid INSTANTLY.  Also because you are the author (don't worry, your name will remain anonymous), you will receive a 20% commission that is instantly added to your account!

You could help our girls, have some fun writing about your fantasies and earn free credits all at the same time.